Sunday, May 2, 2010

Possible O!! **Updated**

OMG! I was having lots of high fertility signs (watery CM, VERY high, soft cervix) and so Saturday I knew I had just ONE O-test left in the house. I decided to test it and when I looked at it it was SO close to positive I wasn't sure if it was or not.

Here's a pic:

The test line (on the right) is just a shade lighter than the control line. I had stopped testing because around CD29 the test showed almost no test line and I thought I was a bust for this cycle. Then I started to take Fertility Blend and having high fertility signs.  I even felt O pain yesterday, on my left side!

I would have tested again around 8PM, but we were going over to see some friends. After we got home, it was kinda late (11:40PM) but I tested anyway with some O-tests I bought at Walgreens. It was negative, but I did have somewhat diluted urine and it was late in the day. The test instructions usually say not to test after 10PM.

I think before we go out to the pet store I'll see if I can test again.  Looking at my chart I had a HUGE dip about 3 days ago and have had a steady increase back up to baseline today. I'm keeping fingerscrossed that the temp keeps rising. Though I think since I still have very wet CM, O pains yesterday, and so on that perhaps I am O'ing today. We'll see. Click the banner above with the butterfly to view my chart and take the ovulation poll!

I'll keep you posted with new developments!

**Update**  So I did another test today and I got a positive! I labeled it wrong, it's supposed to be CD36 instead of CD35

But that's a beautiful positive! I can't believe it but now I am finally in the

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Motherhood Wanted approved!

Motherhood Wanted approved!
Diana Farrell, MA


Motherhood Wanted approved!