Anyhoo, if you've checked my chart you'll see that I could *potentially* have conceived this cycle. I had one day of BD on the day before O (2nd best day next to 2 days before O and O according to this study in the NEJM) so maybe.
I have been back on my vitamin regimen--Stuart Prenatal
But I have had spotting since yesterday. Not my regular sort, which is either bright red or light pink---this is like creamy/sticky CM that is tinged light to dark brown.
Other than that I've been having cramp like AF and some not like since O---which is odd, they don't usually start that early. At 5 and 6 DPO I have a sort of jumpy/throbbing feeling in my pelvis when I lay down. Don't know if it qualifies as twinges. Who knows? I'm probably making it all up in my head.
We'll see! The fun thing is that if I am preggo the baby would be due around October 30. It would be so fun to have a Hallowe'en baby!
Ohhh! Good luck!!
Thanks girl. Congrats again!
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