Sunday, April 24, 2011

Infertility Myth Busted: Having an infertility diagnosis means I must see a specialist

Infertility Myth: "Having an infertility diagnosis means I must see a specialist."

Many infertility diagnoses can be simply treated by the couple's OB/GYN (obstetrician/gynecologist). Most couples go to their OB/GYN to get assistance in diagnosing the obstacles to successful conception. He or she may also be able to treat the issue by assisting the couple with tracking the woman's ovulation and/or prescribing medications or other treatments to combat the particular issue. Depending on the doctor, he or she may be able to do further treatments. If further specialist intervention is needed, the OB/GYN will refer the couple to an RE (reproductive endocrinologist) for further treatment.

I myself was diagnosed with hyperprolactinemia for my anovulation. Upon reviewing my medications, my OB/GYN identified one of them as a possible culprit. Two weeks after stopping that med, I had my first crosshairs on my fertility chart!!! So far I haven't sought additional help, but am thinking of looking into another round of tests to see if there is something else occurring that might be causing my spotting around 9DPO (or full AF at that date). 

For an Infertility 101 go to to learn more about infertility. For more on how to participate in National Infertility Awareness Week.


DMN said...

love your post!

Melissa @MotherhoodWantd said...

Thank you DMN.

Motherhood Wanted approved!

Motherhood Wanted approved!
Diana Farrell, MA


Motherhood Wanted approved!