Saturday, November 13, 2010

O date changed

Well, since my "false O" my temps have been around my pre-O temps. I had an OPK on CD15 that was so close to being positive, but I was unable to test the next three days so I'm not sure if I O'd or not. My temps have jumped a little but dropped again today. But since Thursday my nips have been painful to the touch, in addition to sore sides. And today the nips hurt even w/o touching them. Which leads me to think I have already O'd.

My Clearblue Easy Monitor is no help at all. It keeps reporting low. But, if I enter raised temps for the next three days it says today is O day. Which would match my CP and CM...I think I'm going to jump DH tonight and quit waiting!


Ms. Polka Dottie said...

Nothing wrong with extra BDing! Do it!LOL

Melissa @MotherhoodWantd said...

Turns out it settled on CD18

Motherhood Wanted approved!

Motherhood Wanted approved!
Diana Farrell, MA


Motherhood Wanted approved!